Horse Bosals For Sale
Below are bosals and related items, like mecates and hangers, for sale. Please scroll down for our article "What Is A Horse Bosal?"
Below: A horse in a rawhide bosal.
From eBay, Etsy, and Amazon
What Is A Horse Bosal?
A bosal is a piece of equipment put on a horse's head for riding. A bosal, when used with a hanger and mecate, is called a hackamore. The three main parts of a hackamore are:
- The hanger (sometimes called a headstall, this is the part that goes over a horse's head, behind the ears).
- The mecate (reins, traditionally made from horse hair).
- The bosal. The bosal goes around the nose of the horse, and has a knot at the back.
Typically, a bosal is used for training. Although a horse trainer will always have his or her own way of doing things, it is common for an unbroke horse to be started in a snaffle bit, then graduated to a bosal. When the horse is advanced in the bosal, it will often then be ridden in both a bosal and a curb bit, then ultimately ridden in a curb bit alone.
However, it is not written in stone that a horse's training progresses in this manner. For example, some people start a horse in a bosal (as opposed to a snaffle) and/or a horse doesn't necessarily have to "graduate out" of a bosal: Some riders use a bosal all throughout the horse's riding career.
Pictured below: A Bosal on a roan horse.

Bosals are commonly made from rawhide braided over a core also made of rawhide. You can sometimes find a bosal with a metal core, but most professionals despise these as being too rigid and wouldn't consider using this type.
Bosals also have a knot at the back, behind a horse's chin. The knot provides weight so that when a rider touches the reins the shift in weight is noticeable to the horse. Bosals come in a wide variety of diameters, with the largest diameters usually used on the greenest (most inexperienced) horses and the smaller diameters on more advanced horses.
Pictured below: The same bosal as shown above.

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