Collapsible Barrel Racing Barrels
55-gallon metal barrels, the type traditionally used in the sport of barrel racing, can be difficult to find, heavy to move, and large to store when not being used.
Collapsible barrel racing barrels (also called pop up barrels), on the other hand, are great tools for barrel racing practice or for travel. They are lightweight and easy to handle, easy on the legs if the barrel racer should hit one, and easy to collapse for transportation or storage. Below are collapsible/pop up barrel racing barrels for sale from a variety of sellers.
Below: A barrel racer turns a collapsible barrel. Barrels that collapse are easy to move and store. They're also portable.
Shop Collapsible Barrels
Below are collapsible barrels from eBay and Amazon.
- How many do you get?
Barrels are often sold as singles or as sets of 3. Make sure you know how many you're getting. - How big are the barrels?
Barrels described as "kids," "toy," "children's," or similar are probably a small size made for stick horse racing. Others are close to full-size.
From eBay and Amazon
See more collapsibe barrels on eBay
Plastic Barrels
Plastic barrels, like collapsible barrels, are also handy for practice. They're the same size as metal barrels but lighter in weight, easier to handle, and easier on the legs if a barrel racer should hit one.
However, like metal barrels, they can be difficult to find. Although plastic barrels are the same size as metal barrels, many organizations do not allow plastic barrels during competition.
Below: Five plastic barrels.
Collapsible Barrels - Good Things To Know Before You Buy
Below are a few good things to know before buying collapsible barrels on Amazon, eBay, or anywhere else.
- How many barrels do you get? They are commonly sold in singles and as sets of three.
- Do they come with a storage/carrying case? Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Just make sure you know so you won't be surprised when your package arrives.
- Do the they come with stakes to hold them in place? Since they are lightweight these barrels may come with accessories, such as stakes, to hold them in place when they're being used. Sometimes, though, it's up to you to add some weight in the bottom of them to keep them in place. Just make sure you know what you are, and are not, receiving so you won't be surprised when your package arrives.
- How big are the collapsible barrels? Some of them are approximately the same size (but often not as large) as a metal, 55-gallon barrel, while others are made smaller. The smaller sizes are often called "kids" or "kid sized" or something similar, and are made for stick-horse barrel racing. Know the size of the barrels you are considering ordering, and decide if that size will work for you.
- Last but not the reviews! Many items on Amazon - and often, but not always eBay - have already been ordered and used by other people, and some of these people have left reviews about those items. If there are any reviews about the collapsible barrels you are interested in be sure to read them. They can be a good source of additional information.
Below: A barrel racer turns the third barrel. This is a metal barrel with a vinyl cover. A metal barrel is larger and heavier than a collapsible barrel.
Did you know? Dakota barrel racing saddles are made in America. They are known for high quality at affordable prices.
Save The Barrels For Later
If you find collapsible barrel racing barrels you like but you're not ready to purchase them right away, you can always add them to your shopping cart so they will be easy to find later.
- In most cases, Amazon will keep track of your barrels, and anything else in your shopping cart, for 90 days.
- Later on, if you decide you don't want the item(s) after all, it's easy to click "delete" and remove them from your cart.
- In the meantime, if you want to check out with other items, click "Save for later" to move the barrels to a separate, but still easy-to-find list beneath your shopping cart.
Important: Putting an item in your Amazon shopping cart or "Save for later" list does NOT reserve the item! It just makes it easier to find if it's still in stock when you come back.
Below: Screenshot image showing the "delete" and "Save for later" links when an item is in the Amazon shopping cart.

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