Wagon Wheel Chandeliers
A wagon wheel chandelier, as the name implies, is a chandelier made from, or made to look as though it is made from, a wagon wheel.
A "chandelier" is a decorative lighting fixture that hangs from a ceiling.
While chandelier styles vary, they often branch out and have numerous smaller lights as opposed to one large light. They add a rustic, Western charm to any room.
You might also like: Wagon Wheel Yard Decor.
Below: A wagon wheel chandelier hanging from a ceiling with wooden beams.
From Amazon
Metal Wagon Wood Wheel Chandelier by AIVENGO
Chimney Glass Wagon Wheel Chandelier
From eBay, Etsy, and Amazon
See more wagon wheel chandeliers on Etsy
See more wagon wheel chandeliers on eBay
After-The-Purchase Tips: How To Hang A Chandelier
- As a general rule of thumb, hang a chandelier at least four feet away from the nearest wall. Hanging one any closer risks making the chandelier look like it was crowded into a room.
- How heavy is the chandelier? You'll want to know for the purpose of hanging it: A typical, standard ceiling mounting box / electrical box is usually designed to support no more than 50 pounds. So, if your new chandelier weighs more than 50 pounds, you will need to make preparations accordingly. For example, you can replace the existing mounting box / electrical box with a heavy-duty box and/or use a "fan brace," a brace commonly used to support a ceiling fan.
How High or Low Should A Chandelier Be Hung?
Knowing how high or low to hang a wagon wheel chandelier, or any chandelier, is pretty straightforward.
- It will need to be hung low enough to illuminate the area you intend to light it with, but high enough not to interfere with foot traffic or with the sight line of people in the room.
- After those two items are taken into consideration it is usually just a matter of holding or temporarily mounting the chandelier at different heights and choosing the one you find most attractive.
Chandeliers and Dining Tables
If you plan on hanging the chandelier over a dining table, the general guidelines are as follows:
- For a standard 8 foot ceiling, a chandelier should be hung between 30 - 36 inches from the top of the table.
- If your ceiling is taller than 8 foot, add 3 inches of hanging height for every one foot of ceiling height over 8 feet.
- If the chandelier is especially wide or elaborate it might feel intrusive if you hang it too low over a dining table, so you may want to hang it higher than the standard guidelines suggest.
Don't forget you can always go rogue! Some designers choose to stay fairly close to the general guidelines mentioned above, but others argue that a chandelier should be hung as high or low as you decide. They recommend holding it or temporarily suspending it at several heights, and simply choosing the one you like best.
Below: A type of wagon known as a chuck wagon. A chandelier made from wagon wheels offers an attractive rustic/Western look to a home or business.
Save The Chandelier For Later
If you find a wagon wheel chandelier for sale on Amazon that you like but you're not ready to purchase it right away, you can always add it to your shopping cart so it will be easy to find later.
- In most cases, Amazon will keep track of your chandelier, and anything else in your shopping cart, for 90 days.
- Later on, if you decide you don't want the item(s) after all, it's easy to click "delete" and remove them from your cart.
- In the meantime, if you want to check out with other items, click "Save for later" to move the chandelier to a separate, but still easy-to-find list beneath your shopping cart.
Important: Putting items in your Amazon shopping cart or "Save for later" list does NOT reserve them! It just makes them easier to find if they're still in stock when you come back.
Below: Screenshot image showing the "delete" and "Save for later" links when an item is in the Amazon shopping cart.

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