Antler Chandeliers
Antler chandeliers are commonly made from whitetail deer, mule deer, and/or elk. They can also be faux, which means they're reproductions.
The antler chandeliers for sale below are mostly faux, but you can occasionally find a few real antler chandeliers. If the description says "cast" chandeliers, that's another way of saying they are reproductions, or faux. Please scroll down for good information to know before buying antler chandeliers. You might also like: Antler Lamps or Antler Towel Racks.
Below: An deer antler chandelier hanging from a wood beam ceiling. image
From eBay, Etsy, and Amazon
See more antler chandeliers on Etsy
See more antler chandeliers on eBay
Antler Chandeliers: Good Things To Know Before You Buy
When buying antler chandeliers off of eBay or anywhere, there are some things to make sure you know before you make your purchase.
- Is the antler chandelier made from real antlers, or are they faux
(reproductions, i.e. cast)?
- Do you care? Many faux antler chandeliers look real and can cost a lot less.
- Is it new or used?
- Are there enough clear photos of the chandelier that you feel you know exactly what you're getting?
- What is the weight and dimensions of the chandelier?
- How many lights are there?
- Does it come with a chain, cord, etc. to hang it with?
- Will there be sales tax?
- Will the seller ship to your location? Most antler chandeliers we've seen on eBay are shipped to anywhere in the USA and worldwide, but it's always smart to check.
- What the shipping charges will be?
- Is insurance for shipping the antler chandelier optional or automatically included?
- Is there a reserve? If so, you can email the seller and ask them to reveal the amount of the reserve price. Many sellers will cheerfully disclose their reserve price when asked, but not always.
- Every eBay item for sale has a "Seller info" area. Be sure to check this area to view the feedback rating that previous buyers have left for that particular seller. There is also an area where a potential buyer can read comments left by previous buyers.
- If you have any questions be sure to ask the seller before you bid on an antler chandelier. Look for the "Ask a question" link in the "Questions and answers about this item" area to ask your questions.
Antlers Compared To Horns: Fun Facts To Know
- Antlers are found on animals in the family Cervidae.
- Horns are found on animals in the family Bovidae (with the exception of the Pronghorn Antelope which is from the family Antilocapridae).
- Antlers are made of one component, bone.
- Horns are made of two components: 1) a bone core, and 2) a sheath of keratin.
- Antlers are not a permanent part of the animals' skull. Antlers are grown, shed, and re-grown annually.
- Horns are a permanent part of the animals' skull and therefore are never shed.
Below: Deer antlers on a cattle ranch in Colorado. These antlers are called "sheds" because they were shed from the deer during the annual shed-and-regrow cycle.

- In most species antlers are found only on males, but in caribou/reindeer are found on males and females.
- In many species horns are found on both males and females, but in some species are found only on males.
- Antlers typically branch out.
- Horns do not branch out. In other words, the tip of a horn ends in only one point on each side of the head.
- The bone of an antler is alive only during the growth stage of the antler. Once the antler is mature the bone dies.
- The bone of a horn is alive throughout the lifetime of the animal.
Below: A very large antler chandelier at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Save The Chandelier For Later
If you find an antler chandelier for sale on Etsy that you like but you're not ready to purchase it right away, you can always add it to your shopping cart so it will be easy to find later.
- In most cases, Etsy will keep track of your chandelier, and anything else in your shopping cart, for 30 days.
- In the meantime, if you want to check out with other items you can click on "Save for later" to move specific items to a separate, but still easy-to-find list beneath your shopping cart.
- Also, if you put items into your Etsy shopping cart but don't check out after 30 days, Etsy will automatically move your chandelier (or other items) to the "Save for later" area beneath your cart. When you're ready to actually purchase any of these items, simply click "Move to cart" to put them back into your shopping cart and check out.
Important: Putting items in your Etsy shopping cart or "Save for later" list does NOT reserve them! It just makes them easier to find if they're still available when you come back.
Below: Screenshot image showing the "Save for later" and "Remove" links when an item is in the Etsy shopping cart.
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