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Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray Review

Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray


Here at we'd heard good things about Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray fly spray for horses. So, we bought our first bottle to see if it would work for us.

Specifically, we wanted to know if Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray would keep biting insects off of or horses in the pasture. During late spring and summer months less expensive brands of fly spray seemed useless in the pasture, and we wanted to know how Wipe 'N Spray would compare.

How We Tested Pyranha

Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray - The Tests

Day One

The first day we tested Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray we sprayed one of the horses with it and rode her in a pen for some roping practice. It had a nice scent, a good sprayer, and left a nice (if somewhat minimal) shine. NOTE: We did not brush the horse to bring out a "bright sheen" as instructed by the label.

The pen was clean (no fresh manure, not much dry manure, etc.) with a dirt surface. We rode the horse mostly at a walk, and there was a breeze, so she didn't sweat. Even though we consider these conditions minimally challenging for a fly spray, we have to say the Pyranha performed very well.

Slightly over an hour after we had initially sprayed the horse we turned her out, and we were just beginning to notice she was starting to fight a few flies.

Day Two

The next day we sprayed a different horse with Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray and headed out into the pasture.

It was warm and humid with a breeze, and we could hear lots of buzzing from different insects all around us. Our first challenge was to see if we could walk without becoming an all-you-can-eat insect buffet; using a cheaper brand of fly spray on the same horse the day before the insects bites were so unrelenting that we had to trot or slow gallop just to keep the horse from being miserable.

The Pyranha performed very well, no bites that we noticed, and we quickly discovered we could walk as much as we wanted without any insect troubles.

Since the Pyranha passed the "walk" test, it was time to bump it up a notch. We began trotting, and mostly trotted for the next 50 minutes interspersed with short breaks at a walk. Even though the horse was accustomed to this type of riding, it was warm and humid and he soon broke out all over into a sweat.

To our surprise, the Pyranha continued to work very well. While some other brands of horse fly spray, like Endure, claim on the label that they are sweat-proof, the Pyranha label doesn't make any such claims. Even so, a sweat-covered horse didn't seem to affect Pyranha's performance. We made a point of walking back to the house for approximately 1/4 of a mile, and the walk was insect-bite free.

Similar to the test the day before, it was slightly over an hour after we had initially sprayed the horse that we turned him out and we were just beginning to notice he was starting to fight a few flies.

Day Three and On

We continued testing Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray like we did the first two days: Some days we would ride the horse in the pen, and other days we would ride the horse in the pasture. The Pyranha continued to perform well in both circumstances, even with a sweaty horse.

Most days the Pyranha seemed to wear off, for pasture riding purposes, in about an hour, or occasionally, up to an hour-and-half. On a day the horseshoer came and the horses were waiting in line up at the pens to be shod, we didn't have to re-spray with Pyranha for one hour and fifty minutes.

Below: Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray ingredients.

Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray ingredients

How The Fly Sprays Stacked Up

Earlier we mentioned we tested Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray against several other spray-on fly sprays for horses. The other fly sprays were:

Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray Review - Summary

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