Cross Draw Knife Sheaths
A cross draw knife sheath is designed for secure, comfortable storage of a knife on your body until you're ready to use it.
A knife in a cross draw sheath is usually faster and easier to get to than a knife in a pocket. This makes cross draw knife sheaths popular with sportsmen, cowboys, cowgirls, or anyone who leads an active lifestyle.
Among cowboys and cowgirls cross draw sheaths are particular popular with ropers as a handy knife is considered by many as a must-have for safety reasons. Below are cross draw knife sheaths for sale on eBay, Etsy, and Amazon.
Below: A knife sheath made for horizontal carry on a belt.
From eBay, Etsy, and Amazon
eBay, Etsy and Amazon are great places to find a leather cross draw knife sheath. This area lets you compare the prices and selection between them on one page!
Read each description carefully to know if...
-'re buying an already-made, ready to ship knife sheath, OR
- ...if you're buying a sheath that will be made according to your specifications when you order.
See more cross draw knife sheaths on Etsy
See more cross draw knife sheaths on eBay
Below: A knife sheath on the belt of a cowboy/roper.
Below: A knife and cross draw sheath on a competitor in an obstacle course challenge.
Cross Draw Knife Sheaths - Good Things To Know Before You Buy
- Is the sheath new or used? Most of the ones we've seen for on Amazon are new, but there are also occasionally used ones for sale. The ones on eBay and Etsy are a mix of new and used.
- Is the knife included? Hint: Often, or even usually, a knife is NOT included even if the sheath is pictured with a knife. A knife is often included in the photos to give you an idea how the sheath fits a knife, but the knife is typically NOT included. Make sure one way or the other - knife or no knife - before you buy.
- Will the sheath fit your knife? Some of the sheaths are made for a specific brand and model of knife, while others are made to fit most any knife of a certain style and size.
- If the sheath attaches to a belt, how does it attach? Common ways of attaching a knife sheath to a belt include snaps, clips, and slots cut into the sheath so it slides onto a belt. Regardless, will the sheath fit the belt you plan on wearing it with?
- Is the sheath made for a right hand draw, left hand draw, or either hand?
- What is the cant, or tilt, of the sheath, if any? Some sheaths are made so that the knife is worn vertically. Other sheaths are made so that the knife is worn at an angle (and this angle can vary), while others are made so that the knife is worn horizontally (or close to it) alongside the belt.
- How heavy, or thick, is the leather the sheath is made from? Leather
thickness is usually stated in ounces. If you don't know how ounces
translates into thickness, it's actually quite easy: One ounce is equal to
1/64 of an inch in thickness.
- Note: If you need a handy reference for leather thickness, consider this: A 4
ounce piece of leather is about 1/16 of an inch thick, which is about the
same thickness as a USA quarter.
For more ounces-to-inches comparisons, you can see our handy chart below.
- Note: If you need a handy reference for leather thickness, consider this: A 4
ounce piece of leather is about 1/16 of an inch thick, which is about the
same thickness as a USA quarter.
Below: Leather or hide weight (in ounces) translated to thickness (in fractions of an inch).
Save The Knife Sheath For Later
If you find a knife sheath you like on Amazon but you're not ready to purchase it right away, you can always add it to your shopping cart so it will be easy to find later.
- In most cases, Amazon will keep track of the items in your shopping cart for 90 days.
- Later on, if you decide you don't want the items after all, it's easy to click "delete" and remove them from your cart.
- In the meantime, if you want to check out with other items, click "Save for later" to move the items to a separate, but still easy-to-find list beneath your shopping cart.
Important: Putting an item in your Amazon shopping cart or "Save for later" list does NOT reserve it! It just makes it easier to find if it's still in stock when you come back.
Below: Screenshot image showing the "delete" and "Save for later" links when an item is in the Amazon shopping cart.

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