Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray Review
- Review Of: Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray For Horses
- The Short Version: We like this fly spray. Of the brands we tested under tough pasture conditions this one performed the best. However, Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray was a close second, and slightly cheaper. (Pyranha review.)
- Disclosure: Here at CowboyWay.com we purchased the product reviewed on this page with our own money. The opinions expressed here are our own.
Below: A quart spray bottle of Endure Sweat Resistant Fly Spray for horses.
Here at CowboyWay.com we weren't having any luck with inexpensive, "economy" type fly sprays for horses when riding in the pasture during summer months. The economy sprays worked well for us in the early spring and fall, but during the peak of summer they just didn't perform in the pasture.
So we bought a bottle of the higher-priced Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray For Horses to give it a try. Specifically, we wanted to know if Endure would keep biting insects off of our horses when riding in the pasture during the summer.
How We Tested Endure
- We used four different horses for the tests.
- We compared Endure to several other spray-on fly sprays for horses (see the bottom of this page).
- We caught the horses and did our tests at about the same time each day, and during approximately the same weather conditions.
- The season we tested in was late spring and on into summer.
- We tested the fly sprays around the barn and pens, and also in the pasture.
The Tests
Day One
The first day we tested Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray For Horses we sprayed one of the horses and headed straight out into the pasture with him. The Endure had a powerful sprayer and a nice scent.
We rode through the pasture at a walk and trot for the next 50 minutes or so. The flies and insects were everywhere.
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We were surprised at how well the Endure performed. We could walk peacefully without seeming to invite every biting insect in the county.
By comparison, in recent days when we had used an economy brand of horse fly spray the insects had been all over our horse the first step into the pasture and we had to stay at a trot to keep the bites at a minimum.
Below: A close-up of the Endure label showing the ingredients.
Even though we could walk peacefully, we chose to trot most of the time. The temperatures were 80+ Fahrenheit with average humidity, there was a nice breeze, and our horse was accustomed to this type of riding so he only developed a light sweat.
About an hour later we were out of the pasture and back at the house and the Endure was weakening.
However, our horse was still fighting flies noticeably less than the other horses back at the house that had been sprayed with cheaper brands.
Day Two
A few days later we sprayed a horse with Endure and headed back out into the pasture for about an hour and fifteen minutes. This time the humidity was very high and our horse worked up a heavy sweat. Even so, we never noticed him battling insects, even at a walk.
Day Three and On
For the next several weeks we continued to use Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray For Horses on different horses in the pen and in the pasture. It consistently performed very well, even on a sweaty horse.
Most days the Endure seemed to wear off, for pasture riding purposes, in about an hour, or, sometimes, up to an hour-and-a-half. On a day the horseshoer came and the horses were waiting in line up at the pens to be shod, we didn't have to re-spray with Endure for one hour and fifty minutes.
Below: A close-up of the Endure label, showing where it claims it won't sweat off.

How The Fly Sprays Stacked Up
Earlier we mentioned we tested Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray For Horses against several other spray-on fly sprays for horses. The other fly sprays were:
Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray, another premium brand like Endure.
- We thought the Endure and the Pyranha (Pyranha
review) were very comparable.
Both performed very well in the pen, but more importantly to us, they
both performed very well in the pasture.
For pasture-riding purposes they lasted about the same amount of time, about an hour or sometimes up to an hour-and-a-half, but they both lasted longer up around the pens. If we had to choose, we'd say the Endure outlasted the Pyranha by a slight margin.
- We thought the Endure and the Pyranha (Pyranha
review) were very comparable.
Both performed very well in the pen, but more importantly to us, they
both performed very well in the pasture.
- GPS Fly-Die and Bronco, two economy brands.
- Both the GPS Fly-Die and Bronco provided our horses with minimal protection
during peak summer months.
We do find them helpful in the spring and fall, but in the summer they last less than an hour, perform only moderately well in the pen, and are only slightly better than no fly spray at all in the pasture.
- Both the GPS Fly-Die and Bronco provided our horses with minimal protection
during peak summer months.
- A homemade fly spray made with essential oils and coconut oil. You
can read about how to make this recipe on this page (it's recipe #3):
Homemade Horse Fly Spray
The homemade fly spray made with essential oils and coconut oil was a total failure. The horses smelled great, but if it provided any insect protection at all it was hard to tell and wore off almost immediately.
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- We liked Endure Sweat-Resistant Fly Spray For Horses. It wasn't perfect - it didn't last anywhere near the 14 days it said it could last up to on the label - but it did perform very well in the pasture for about an hour or sometimes longer, even with a sweaty horse.
- We liked Pyranha Wipe 'N Spray, too, and it was cheaper to buy
compared to the Endure, especially when purchased by the gallon.
Even though the Endure seemed to have an ever-so-slight edge in how long it lasted, the edge was so slight that, for the money, we thought the Pyranha Wipe & Spray was a better deal.
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