Ranch Pony Bronc Riding and Wild Pony Race, 04-10-10 - Page 6
Below are photos of ranch pony bronc riding (pages 1 - 3) and a wild pony race (pages 4 - 6).
Both events were held as part of a junior ranch rodeo that included other events of wild nanny milking, sorting, calf branding, and doctoring.
All photos are copyrighted © and property of CowboyWay.com
Wild Pony Race
In case you're curious, the next eight photos are in order. So, when you get to the part where the saddle is over the pony's head, and the young bronc rider is nearly - but not quite - on the ground, and then the bronc rider seems to be going in reverse and makes his way back up to be sitting on the pony again......he really did that.

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All photos are copyrighted © and property of CowboyWay.com