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Hollywood Hoofbeats

The book "Hollywood Hoofbeats - Trails Blazed Across The Silver Screen" is a treasure-trove of information about horses that have graced our movie and television screens.

For more information about the book, including a link to our review of it, please scroll down a little lower on this page.

Below is the book "Hollywood Hoofbeats" for sale on Please note the cover of the book on Amazon might be different than our copy of the book shown in the image show below. Here at we've owned our copy for several years and the cover has changed over time.

Below: The book: "Hollywood Hoofbeats" written by Petrine Day Mitchum with Audrey Pavia.

Book cover of Hollywood Hoofbeats

From Amazon

See more copies of the "Hollywood Hoofbeats" on Amazon

About "Hollywood Hoofbeats"

"Hollywood Hoofbeats" is a tribute to the horses on our movie and television screens that we have all shared a fondness for. It features information not only about well-known equine stars, but also about the lesser-known, but still fascinating and hardworking horses who were extras, trick horses, and stunt doubles. It is filled with history, stories, and trivia, while at the same time generously sharing large and small photos of horses, riders, stuntmen and women, trainers, and the occasional movie poster.

Here at we have read and thoroughly enjoyed this book. You can read our review of it here: Review: "Hollywood Hoofbeats - Trails Blazed Across the Silver Screen." <<< This link will open in a new window.


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