Martin Saddlery makes a Wade ranch saddle for the demanding rancher.
Below: The Martin Saddlery Wade Saddle mr26 from HorseSaddleShop. It has a Wade saddle tree, flat plate rigging, and 4″ cantle.

Made in the USA, Martin saddles, including their mr26 Wade saddle, are famous for their exceptional quality and great looks.
Wade saddles are a type, or style, of ranch saddle and are often the saddle of choice for working cowboys and cowgirls who spend long hours in the saddle every day. Although it may come as a surprise to some, Wade saddle are also the saddle of choice among many trail riders.
Comparison Shop For Wade Saddles by Martin Saddlery
Below are Martin Wade saddles for sale from HorseSaddleShop and eBay. This page makes it easy to compare prices and selection between these
major online sellers.
HorseSaddleShop is located in Bremen, Indiana, and is famous for their customer service and fast, free shipping on saddles.
eBay may or may not have any Martin Wade saddles for sale. If not, other Wade saddles might be shown.
See more Wade saddles on HorseSaddleShop – All Makers
See more Wade saddles on eBay – All Makers
Confused? What Is A Martin Wade?
When you say “Martin Wade” it might sound like someone’s name. And, just guessing, there probably are a few folks named Martin Wade out there somewhere.
In this case though, “Martin” isn’t a first name. It’s the name of Martin Saddlery, a prestigious American saddlery located in Texas. And “Wade” isn’t a last name. It’s the type of saddle tree a saddle is built on.
Ok, Fine. So What’s A Wade Saddle Tree?
A Wade saddle tree is the foundation a saddle is built on. More specifically, a Wade tree is determined by the style of fork in the tree. Characteristics common to Wade saddle trees include:
- A slick fork (the “fork” is also called the “swells” or “pommel”). The fork is the part of the saddle at the very front beneath the saddle horn. A “slick” fork means the fork of the saddle is widest at its bottom where it connects to the saddle tree bars. (If the saddle fork is wider somewhere else other than at the bottom, it is a “swell fork” saddle.)
- A wide diameter, wood saddle horn that sits close to the horse’s back and that is built into the saddle tree. (This is opposed to, say, a wood or metal horn added separately to the tree.) The lower saddle horn helps remove some of the leverage livestock might otherwise have when when dallied or tied to the horn. The larger diameter allows more rope on the horn with each dally, giving more hold (per dally) when compared to a horn with a smaller diameter. The larger Wade saddle horn also makes it easier for the roper to slide their dally.
This is a great time to mention there are no industry standards as to what a Wade saddle must be in order to be called a Wade. However, the characteristics mentioned above are extremely common in Wade saddles and are generally agreed upon.
Below: A Wade saddle being roped on. You can see the characteristic slick Wade fork and low saddle horn with a wide diameter.
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