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Billy Cook Saddles

Below are Billy Cook saddles for sale, both new and used. We also explain the difference between a Billy Cook “original” saddle (also called “genuine,” or “maker) made in Sulphur, OK and other Billy Cook saddles.

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Below: A saddle made by Billy Cook; this one’s a roping saddle. Billy Cook also makes barrel saddles, ranch saddles, trail saddles, and more.

A Billy Cook saddle with rider and rope.

From eBay, Amazon, and HorseSaddleShop

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See more Billy Cook saddles on eBay

Saddles And The Billy Cook Name Game

Sometimes shopping for a Billy Cook saddle can be confusing. That’s because some folks refer to a saddle as an “original” or “genuine” Billy Cook, or describe it as Billy Cook, “maker.” Others saddles are called Longhorn Billy Cooks, Simco Billy Cooks, or Simco/Longhorn Billy Cooks.

To explain this, maybe it’s easiest to start with a quick summary:

  • Original, Genuine, Maker
    Billy Cook saddles made under the direct oversight and inspection of Billy Cook the person, or the company bearing his name (Mr. Cook passed away in 2019) are typically described as “original,” “genuine,” or made by Billy Cook, “maker.” They were originally made in Greenville, TX but are now made in Sulphur, OK.
  • Longhorn Billy Cook, Simco Billy Cook, or Something Similar
    Other Billy Cook saddles are typically described as a “Longhorn Billy Cook”, “Simco Billy Cook”, or “Simco/Longhorn Billy Cook”.

So, what’s this all about? This name confusion is because there are two separate business entities that have the legal right to make saddles under the Billy Cook name. Here’s the scoop:

In 1953 Billy Cook (the person) began making a line of saddles bearing his name in Greenville, TX. By the end of the 1950s he had partnered with the Potts-Longhorn Leather Company in order to keep up with demand. During his partnership with Potts-Longhorn, Billy Cook (the person) did not allow the number of saddles made to exceed an amount that he could not personally oversee and inspect. These saddles are typically referred to as an “original” Billy Cook, or a “genuine” Billy Cook, and/or as a saddle made by Billy Cook, “maker.”

During the 1980s, however, the Potts-Longhorn Company failed. When that happened Billy Cook (the person) started his own saddle business once again, returning to making Billy Cook saddles on his own. For a while he kept the business in Texas, but in 1991 relocated to Sulphur, Oklahoma where it is still located today. These saddles, like the older ones described in the paragraph above, are also typically described “original,” “genuine,” or made by Billy Cook, “maker.”

Below: The approximate location of Sulphur, Oklahoma, location of Billy Cook Harness and Saddle Manufacturing, Inc.

A map showing the location of Sulphur, OK, location of Billy Cook Saddlery.

In the meantime, the Potts-Longhorn company was purchased by Simco, another well known saddlery, in 1990. They, too, have the lawful right to make saddles with the Billy Cook name. Saddles they make are referred to as a Simco Billy Cook, Longhorn Billy Cook, or a Simco/Longhorn Billy Cook. They are located in Greenville, TX.


Below: The approximate location of Greenville, Texas, where Simco/Longhorn Billy Cook saddles are made.

The location of Simco/Longhorn saddlery in Greenville, TX where Billy Cook saddles are made

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