
Photo Of The Day

Cowboy Quotes, Sayings, and Wisdom

Below are cowboy quotes, or cowboy sayings and wisdom.

Below: A famous 1887 photo by John C. H. Grabill titled "The Cow Boy."

Photo of a cowboy

A "quote" can be defined as the repetition of certain words. For example, quotes can be taken from written text, movies or television, or a passage of a speech.

Cowboy quotes are famous for the brevity, earthy wisdom, and often, a dry sense of humor.

The Quotes / Sayings / Wisdom

John Wayne Quotes

"Talk low, talk slow, and don't say too much."
Reportedly, this quote was an acting tip from John Wayne to fellow actor Michael Caine.

"Any man who'd make an X-rated movie ought to have to take his daughter to see it."

"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway."

Inscription on Mr. Wayne's headstone:
"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learnt something from yesterday."

Roy Rogers Quote

"When my time comes, just skin me and put me up there on Trigger, just as though nothing had ever changed."

Jack Sorenson Quote

Jack Sorenson is a renowned Western artist, and a best-selling artist for Leanin' Tree, America's largest Western-themed greeting card company. He grew up on his father's dude ranch and movie set in Texas.  

"I didn't have the guts to become an artist, I had the ignorance." 

"...God gave me my talent and I was afraid of facing him one day if I didn't use it."

See some of Jack Sorenson's breathtaking Western artistry.


To see more cowboy quote decals, please see this page:
Cowboy Quote Decals.


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